Bob Anderson (1921 - 1997) got sober in 1952 and remained sober for forty-four years until his death. Bob was an important figure in Alcoholics Anonymous, helping thousands to recover worldwide.

Anderson focused on the disease of alcoholism as portrayed in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous as a disease “that centers in his mind, rather than in his body."” (Big Book, p. 23). He exposes the mind-powered nature of alcoholism as he taught about recovery. He provided personal examples from the hopeless world of his old life, as well as examples of the transformation into a happily, usefully whole new life by the practice of the 12 Steps of AA.

His present-centered manner of sharing is the inspiration for the Primetime format:

“We do not talk about drunkalogues, yesterday’s problems or blaming other people. We talk only about looking inwardly, describing how self behaves in the day that we are in.”

More information regarding Bob Anderson can be found here.

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